Thursday, July 12, 2007

....................... and responsibility for all your actions

SEVENTEEN** . Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions. *

Well my daughter emailed me one of those chain emails this morning and it had a list of wise advice for life which you are supposed to send to 'x' number of people, in 'x' number of minutes for good luck.
Advice Number 17 was the sentence in red above. This reminded me of the time when I learned a valuable lesson from my then 13 year old. A lesson I have never forgotten.
One day we were getting ready for her soccer practice when on the local TV station they were showing the ad for a movie that was about to be broadcast during the soccer practice time. My daughter wanted to watch it and she asked me if I could record it for her. I said I would, got busy, got a phone call, daughter needed help looking for her cleats and soccer socks and so helped her, got ready, got into the car and drove away, and forgot all about popping a cassette into the VCR and setting the recording time.
On the way back from practice, my daughter happily got back into the car saying 'mom we can go back home and after I take my shower, we can
have our lunch and watch the recorded movie together.' It was then that I remembered that I had forgotten to record the movie. I was angry at myself, but of course did not want to admit it was my fault, so instead started saying 'if you had kept the cleats where they were supposed to be kept, i would not have forgotten to record it, ..........' . Basicaly, I was shifting the blame on to her and my daughter was all silent and after a looooooooooong moment said 'mom, aren't you always saying that we have to do what we say we will do- don't you say we have to take responsibility for all of our actions ?' I guess it was a moment of 'Truth from the mouths of babes' . I gave my daughter a big hug, and told her that even mommies sometimes forget these things and that yes, she was right, it was my fault. I took complete responsibility for forgetting to do what I said I would do. I apologized to her.
Since then, I have always taken responsibility for my action or inaction and have tried to practice what I preach.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Leaving my comfort zone and I finally got a blog-Thanks to PS

For some time now I have been thinking about getting my self a blog. I am not a good writer, in fact I hated English(as a subject) when growing up. I have always been a simple Math and Science person. I say simple because in Math and Science, things stay the same. A number is a number forever. It doesn't change. If things change, they follow a given set of logic. You apply it and voila!! you and your friends and everyone in the whole wide world can get the same answer. In English/literature, things get complicated. People are always reading between lines, reading character's emotions, thoughts, ........... history of things happening at the time a piece is written influences what is written........ Everyone comes out with a different interpretation!!! Couldn't stand it. My good friend Cathy says that is why she loves it, because you can come to different conclusions every time you read a piece!!!!!! A word has different meanings according to the way it is used. Ooh, too complicated for me!!!!
BUT I wanted to start blogging because I want to do something that I have never done before, which is attempting to write thoughts as they come to me. I have only written down things when demanded as in exams for English. So I finally mustered up the courage to see how coherently I can put down my thoughts.
Also, I have been gently nudged by a friend to do so.- Thanks PS (as she calls herself in her blog).
This is a real challenge for me and I have brought myself out of my comfort zone!!! Let me see what new adventures this journey takes me through!!!